Full Dome Projection, 23 meters, ca. 30mins, Zeiss Großplanetarium, Berlin, 2020
A new, immersive audiovisual spatial experience took place under the name Spherea. Jan Wagner‘s album premiere on the grand piano turned into a body-encompassing 3D sound experience thanks to a 49 loudspeaker and 4 subwoofer ambisonics system. Compared to traditional (2) channel-oriented transmission methods, the result was a maximally engaging sound experience for the sold-out show.
Music videos for selected songs from the album were developed especially for the 23 meter wide dome. The particular challenge lay in the technical structure, which required weeks of rehearsals with the musicians and precisely timed videos. Image sequences converted especially for the full dome, some of them over 5000 individual images, resulted - reconnected via the system of ten video projectors - a high-resolution image filling the dome. The audience was immersed in the visual narrative via the 360 ° projections.
Whilst full-dome projections have been a matter of course at this location since 1987, this interplay of 3D image and sound experience was still a rare example of a new type of concert experience and can proudly join events such as * that of the Institute for Sound and Music the hexadome in the Martin-Gropius-Bau. All these projects have one particularly valuable point in common: the boundaries between hearing, longing and creating are dissolving. The traditional frontal stage-auditorium situation merges into a democratic overall experience, an inclusive experience that dissolves boundaries.